AQMS-500 Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer(SO2)
FPI AQMS-500 sulfur dioxide (SO2) analyzer applies UV fluorescence technology with the photomultiplier tube (PMT) to measure SO2.
WAGA-100 Water-soluble Ion Analyzer
Sample gas passes through denuder, and soluble gas will be analyzed by ion chromatograph first; the aerosol will then be inflated and given into ion chromatography to analyze soluble aerosol.
FPI AQMS-600 nitrogen oxides (NO-NO2–NOx) analyzer utilizes chemiluminescence technology indicated by US EPA as the federal reference method for monitoring multiple forms of nitrogen oxides.
PMS-200M Multi-channel PM Sampler
PMS-200M accepts closed-loop response control technology to sample multiple gaseous and particulate samples simultaneously in the atmosphere. It can monitor meteorological parameters such as atmospheric humidity, pressure, temperature and wind speed in real time.
PANs-100 PAN Analyzer
Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate does not have any natural presence but only be produced during human activity. Therefore, PAN is a significant representative index of photochemical pollution. System adopts GC-ECD principle to identify and quantify the presence of PAN in sample.
AQMS-700 CAPS NO2 Analyzer
AQMS-700 CAPS NO2 analyzer is an atmospheric environment monitoring instrument based on the optical cavity attenuation phase shift technology (CAPS) which can directly measure the NO2 concentration in the ambient air and is widely used in the online monitoring of the NO2 content in the ambient air quality monitoring scene.
Air Quality Monitoring Mobile(SO2, NO, NOX, CO, O3, PM2.5, PM10,etc)
Mobile air quality monitoring system consists of analysis devices, an automatic sampler, an image acquisition device, and a mobile communication device. Instruments combination can be selected and moved as per requirement, such flexibility enables the mobile station to perform as fixed station as well.
PFS-100 Photolysis Rate Analyzer
Photolytic rate of some critical reactant and free radical (O(1D), NO2, H2O2, HONO, HCHO etc.) are key indicators for identify status & extent of photochemical pollution.The analyzer is receiving solar radiation by quartz probe and transferring the radiation to spectrum via optical quartz fiber, the spectrum data will be evaluated and compared with reference data with mathematical approach and gives photolytic rate.